빈지노 (Illionaire)
Dali Van Picasso
first when i listen to the song i thought it's weird
cause Salvador 'Dali' and 'Vincent Van Gogh' .......and 'Pablo Picasso' in Rap song ??
those stuff has something common ???
not a graffiti on the wall ???
i may thought it's weird combination or something
later i knew why he wanted to keep it in the song
and i knew that his mother is Artist 'Geum Dong Won'
his real name is 'Lim Seong Bin'
you can guess why he create his name as 'Beenzino' or something
and 1987 born and he Released Six Single Albums
and you may wonder who is the good looking Guy in the Cover of the Album
his name is 'Kim Won Joong' Korean male model
first time i thought it's Beenzino him self ......LOL
m.....many times i can hear the name of him but i didn't have chance to listen to his song before
but when i find his song on YOUTUBE i thought ......most handsome Korean rapper ever
but it was not his picture LOL
it's o.k ......cause this song is Hot Issue in South Korea in now days .....
actually i'm Korean but i can't even guess what he wanted to explain in the song
just spoke out the name of famous artist but i don't know why he spoke names
and i don't know what he wanna tell and i don't know anything ......
but i can feel the swag from the rhyme and flow
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