
2013년 8월 29일 목요일

K-POP 'THE MOOD' - Part Time Traveller '꿈꾸는 순간' Featuring 이미지

K-POP 'THE MOOD' - Part Time Traveller '꿈꾸는 순간' Featuring 이미지

시간제 여행자  Part Time Traveller 


꿈꾸는 순간 Featuring 이미지


......Part Time Traveller ??

since when i hear the name of team ........many question marks around my head

....weird name and i didn't even think it's witty or something

but they brought comfortable sound

it was very good enough to feel and it was like breeze in summer day

voice in the song was very good ......most

and composition with sound and tempo and atmosphere was very good

slower but unforgettable and i believe it's good enough to introduce

and in the video .....there is around Japan ......

not exactly where in Japan but in the picture little cuts to cuts......look so nice

they seem they choose to visit there cause closer and near from South Korea

very well made sound and video and i heard this was their First Single and released

wish they make better sound and wish they can have more chance to be often


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